Monday, July 21, 2014

Is Miranda Broke?

Seems like it. Today, a tow truck from Bank Of America (who also gives car loans) showed up at PSR. The guards had no choice to let them in and they repossessed Miranda Cosgrove's 2014 BMW truck. This sparked "Broke Talk" in the music industry because if you're rich you should never get a repo. Miranda came outside as they were towing her car away and she offered to pay them next week, but they told her she has to give the money now or they have to tow it,. She wasn't able to cough up the money needed so they towed her truck away. Miranda is at the most successful and richest label on the planet so its hard to imagine that she is broke but it is possible. Click here to check out footage of
Miranda's car getting towed which created the hashtag of #brokebitches

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