Monday, July 20, 2015

Next Up: + The Temp CEO Of PSR Is:......

A new released has dropped today apart of the #JulyReleases and it's Miss Vic. Vics album has been very very anticipated and now it's here. This is her 3rd PSR album titled "Broken Dreams" It's pop/R&B which is her signature style and produced by herself, NiNi, Usher, The Dream and Lady Gaga. It dropped around 2am and so far she's doing well selling over 367,000 copies which puts her in 3rd place in the #JulyReleases.  Nicki is still in last place as her album isn't really climbing in numbers. It has features from NiNi, Ari, J. Cole,  Gaga, Ke$ha, Madonna, JLS, Tay and MiMi.  It is available on her site, the PSR site, Pandora, ITunes, amazon and in retail stores worldwide for $8.99. Vic is also in her hometown of Hollywood CA promoting it and will be starting her solo world tour tomorrow starting there to promote it further called the "Broken Dreams Tour" Click here to purchase "Broken Dreams" by Vic.  In other news, everyone was wondering who would take over PSR while NiNi is locked up and although it's many "numbers"who are more then capable and mature to take the rOle,  it's one number who is the best. Do you know who that is? *******Drum Roll******** It's KP.....KP will be CEO of PSR until NiNi is released which means all artists listen to her and she's the new boss for now. Is anyone jealous or hating? Well,  We haven't heard anything yet, in fact sources say that many of the PSR artists agree that she would make a good boss but we feel that another beef will pop off soon due to jealousy or whatever else girls beef over but hey, we can be wrong.  Congrats to KP on becoming the temp boss of PSR! Click here to see KP accepting the title of "Temp CEO of PSR. .......

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