Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Nini Says No To ED Hardy Partnership

For months the clothing line called Ed Hardy has been trying to partner up with Nini's Platinum Wear clothing line to incorporate their designs with the PSR designs and Nini has denied that partnership. They were willing to offer her 1 million dollars for a 1 year trial just to see how well it does, but Nini has stated "I Really do not want to add anything to the Platinum line, its nothing personal against them, its just I worked hard to develop my own line and it may sound selfish but i finally have something thats my own which is how I like it" Ed hardy has stated they are upset to hear that she does not want to partner up with them, but they still repsect her decison and they are happy that she even knows of them. In other news Nini says she doesnt want to be looked at as a role model in a recent interview where she said> "Many people consider me a role model but I don't consider myself as one and I would rather not be looked at as one, I admit the accomplishments can be something to look up to, but my music and my dances can get really sexy dirty and obscene and I feel that that's something parents would not want their children listening too because that's how I would feel. I would like to be looked up too as an entertainer, nothing more nothing less. Nini isn't the only one who doesn't want to be looked at as a role model in the game, in fact over 80% of the music game has said the same thing about being a role model. Do you guys think Nini should be considered a role model? PS check out the new song by New PSR artist Eminem Ft Nini and JAZMINE SULIVAN here


johnny1 said...

nini ur a role model whether u like it or not its billions of heads that look up to u and ur team and all of yall dont wanna be role models but its too late cuz yall already are whether your lifestyle choices are bad or not its many people who dont care and still look up 2 yall

johnny1 said...

yeah my son is 8 and he loves nini like hell when i wont give him his way he says he;s gonna tell nini on me....yeah its that bad....and although i agree with what shes saying it doesnt matter, shes looked at in that way regardless if she wants it or not many kids around my way go around dancing like her and making her face expressions and screaming psr like her artists do so she affected the world already and its not slowing down so enjoy nini cuz ur a role model girl lol

johnny1 said...

i feel that nini isnt a bad influence to kids shes an inspiration the perfect example of a bad influence would be lil wayne or lady gaga thats why i never let my kids listen to their music but nini;s music may get dirty but the things she does and the people she helps make her an inspiration and i want my kids to look up to someone like her

johnny1 said...

yeah shes an entertainer which means she has to enetertain everyone not just kids not just adults but she is a good person so its perfectly fine looking up 2 her i do

johnny1 said...

she inspires so many people she has a caring heart she helps children and donates so much money to victims how is that a bad influence its a word for that and its called a ROLE MODEL! what these celebs dont understand is that they cant help people and not be called a role model if they really dont wanna be called that then they gotta start being mean to people and never help anyone out then they will be called negative and obviously thats what these celebs want since they dont wanna be looked at in a good way

johnny1 said...

like weezy lol