Monday, May 14, 2012

More Info On The Fight

I told you guys I would be posting more on this fight so here goes: Banks actually IS conscious and she has declined to press charges which means no jail time for Nini but she has made a statement in the hospital saying "I'm gonna destroy her label and her life I would love to see her win a fight without catching me off guard do you notice that all her so called fights she caught the other person off guard Ke$ha Nana and Teiarra Marie all off guard, that's because that's the only way she can win, goddamn ratchet" WOW It seems like its WAR between these two huh? Anyways she is currently being treated at st Michael's hospital and has underwent emergency surgery for blood leaking onto her ribs, but we are told that she will be OK. Her label RCA has released this statement "We are trying to sell records not wrestling tickets, this behavior from both artists is completely unacceptable and both should control their personal problems better and focus more on the job at hand because at the end of the day its really not worth it, we will talk to out artist and we suggest PSR talks to their artists as well to avoid these unnecessary problems in the future, we have already informed miss Azaelia that if she continues this unacceptable behavior she will be released from her contract" I don't think it will be over its NEVER over in the music industry so I guess banks will be getting dropped huh? But the official police report says that Nini is not at fault and the media is placing all the blame on Banks and are talking down about her all over, Banks has stated she really "Doesn't care" Nini has not commented on the incident since it happened we figure shes home resting up for her show in Philadelphia tomorrow so she may make an early morning statement. Millions of fans are talking about this fight all over the web and this fight is a hot number 1 topic on Facebook Twitter, Myspace and news outlets so its HUGE! That's all of the details from this late night BRAWL if any more info emerges you will be the first to know guys.......:)

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