Saturday, October 26, 2013

Katy Perry Releases BDAY Album

As promised Katy Perry released her 7th studio album and her 3rd PSR album on her 29th birthday which was yesterday the 25th called "Mind Blowin" The album is produced by NiNi, Katy and co produced by Kanye West and its a mix of R&B and Pop. It has 13 tracks 11 of which are solo and the other two feature NiNi and Solange. The album was off to a late start as she performed in her hometown of Los Angeles at her old high school for her birthday, and the album didn't release until around 9 last night but the minute it dropped it sold over 200 million copies and by midnight she sold more then she ever sold before which was 600 million copies which is a broken record for herself, although she is no where near NiNi she continues to keep increasing her royal status, now its 7 in the morning and we can only imagine how many extra copies have sold, but sources say she still isn't close to NiNi. We give the album 9.5 out of 10 stars which is an A- and our  two favorite songs on the album are track number 6 which is "Royal" Ft NiNi and track number 10 which is "Wide Awake PT.2" The second part of her song "Wide Awake" where she continues to take shots at the darkness in the game and resist going back to that life. It really is a good album and she definitely is much much bigger then ever now. The album is available on ITunes, and in retail stores worldwide as well as her website and the PSR website for $9.99 click here to purchase "Mind Blowin" by Katy Perry. Ciara's birthday was also yesterday and she turned 28 so we would like to say happy belated birthday to CiCi!

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