Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Woman Puts Big Sean On Blasts Tells Nini He's No Good!

A LA Women by the name of Crystal Myers has called out PSR artist Big Sean. She sent a video tweet over the entire Internet exposing him as being gay and having 2 kids with her back when he was living in LA before he became famous. The video made it to PSR and Nini heard it and of course she confronted Big Sean about it, but we aren't sure what was said and what happened. The woman spoke on how she was pregnant with his two daughters and he picked up and left her when Kanye West called him and never responded to any of her phone calls, and she also said he used to have sexual relations with men back in LA at strip clubs. She told Nini to drop him before its too late, because she claims that before signing with Kanye/PSR, he was signed with Def Jam and they dropped him due to laziness and an enormous ego and said he is disgusting to women and not professional. She completely put him on blast and the whole world has seen her video, she even has pics of her two twin daughters and we must say they look just like him. She doesnt want money as she claims, she only wants him to be a man and step up to the plate. Big Sean has not responded to any of this as of yet as he had a big show to do today, but we're still waiting.... His career is in the mix and if all this turns out to be true especially about being disgusting towards woman, he's in big trouble with his career.....


johnny1 said...

wow uh oh more drama

johnny1 said...

might be true why would she just pick on him outta all people she couldve chosen anyone else if it was about money

johnny1 said...

this is bs cuz why would she wait this long to mention some damn kids they look at least 4 years old why wait 4 years to do a video when he been around 4 so damn long she couldve been did that prolly an obsessed fan who man left hr and she tryna pin some kids on him

johnny1 said...

"billie jean is not my lover, she just a girl who claims that i am the one, but the kid is not my son" #MJ VOICE LOL

johnny1 said...

i dont think its true

johnny1 said...

who cares what u think

johnny1 said...

she wants his fame she wants his money point blank period

johnny1 said...

yo that sex tape is so real i see no fake stuff its really them and nicki got that same tatoo on her arm if it was her head on someone elses body that tat wouldnt be there

johnny1 said...

yea she got a point leave these damn people alone and let them live their life c ant even have sex without it being front page news

johnny1 said...

thats nicki dude i recoginize that asss anywhere lol

johnny1 said...

wow sean i see why they call u big lol