Thursday, September 6, 2012

Nini's Artists Surprise Her!

PSR has once again proven that they love their boss. This morning Nini went to work and she was met by all of her artists standing in a circle lined up. She said "Good Morning, whats going on" and everyone screamed "Surprise!!!!" They revealed they are sending her on a cruise for 10 whole days on a fabulous Titanic looking ocean cruiser that will go cross country from Chicago all the way around the world in 1o days. The cruise ship has everything from dancing to luxury rooms with pools and Jacuzzis and basketball courts and movie theatres and its really really fancy. Its their way of apologizing for all the drama they put her through and we are told the cruise cost them 267 million dollars and they all chipped in, but the most of course that paid was Tina, Kat, Cymphonique and the OMG Girlz who each paid at least 87 million dollars apiece. They have the tickets already and told her they already informed B to hold it down without her and they will help her if she needs it and when B heard of it she was excited for her and bought her an extra 2 days for an extra 12 million dollars. Nini was speechless and since all was taken care of, she accepted the cruise and thanked everyone and hugged her main friends, and she will be pulling off tomorrow at 7am from the Chicago dock station. They want her to relax and get away from the pressures of the label and her artists, and they will not be bothering her for 12 whole days. She comes back September 18th and she will continue her tour from there. Seems as if Nini has the best artists and friends in the world huh? We think so....Enjoy your cruise Nini, you certainly need it and deserve it!


johnny1 said...

awwwww that was so nice nini u do need to get away mama enjoy ur self

johnny1 said...

they spend alot of money on nini

johnny1 said...

yea its apparent they love her 2 death

johnny1 said...

that should be sweet nini gonna really enjoy urself

johnny1 said...

damn they must get on her nerves bad for them to spend that much for an apology they couldve just said im sorry lol

johnny1 said...

duh its so much drama with them of course they get on her nerves they need to make it up 2 her

johnny1 said...

have fun nini

johnny1 said...

on a damn ship like that she will

johnny1 said...

thats nice wish my friends would send me on a damn cruise

johnny1 said...

you need betta friends lol