Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Nini Embarasses Justin Beiber

This afternoon, Nini was leaving PSR, When Justin Beiber walked up to her to ask her for a spot on PSR and she told him "No" after that witnesses say he grabbed her and she pushed him and his jeans got caught on a pointy gate, and they ripped off when he fell to the ground and revealed that he had Spongebob underwear on. Nini jumped into her limo and pulled off while Justin looked super embarrassed as it was cameras snapping pics and at least 100 people around laughing and pointing at him. He picked up his pants and ran away. And his label said he is really embarrassed to the point of never coming out again. Nini has not apologized or even responded to what happened as of yet, but this one is funny to us. His ex Selena Gomez made this statement though "Nini don't do shit like that for no reason, and if she did that to him it was for a real good reason, And I think I know what that reason is and that's all that matters" What do you guys think the reason is?


johnny1 said...

ok the real question is what 18 year old man wears spongebob underwear it wouldnt have been so embarassing if he had on regualr underwear instead of dressing like hes two years old

johnny1 said...

underwear???? what man wears underwear niggaz i know wear boxers not underwear (no homo) that says alot about u beiber

johnny1 said...

lol man thats so funny

johnny1 said...

well the media portrays him as a puppet maybe its true and maybe thats why nini dont like him u notice how nini doesnt like everyone who is called a pupppet gaga, willow justin, trey and she always seems to get in some shit with them

johnny1 said...

beiber u a grown ass man wit a baby and u rocking ur babies underwear lol u so sad bro

johnny1 said...

yea i think its a deep reason for that cuz i dont think she would just do that to him for no reason he prolly is a puppet and she hates them puppets

johnny1 said...

yea probably

johnny1 said...

he was ugly when he was younger lol

johnny1 said...

wheres the pics i wanna lmao

johnny1 said...

prolly got em off