Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Next Up: + Beef Calming Down? + 1st Person Revealed

Welcome to day 2 of the #SeptemberReleases. It's getting a huge buzz already with excitement and the day 2 person is Star. This is her 3rd Solo PSR album which was extremely anticipated titled "Seeing Starz". She's doing really well for first day sales but Lena is still in first place but Star is getting positive reviews.  Click here to read my full review, stats, info and purchase links for "Seeing Starz" by Star. In other news, is the famous PSR beef beginning to calm down?  Well China and Niq bumped into each other twice, once yesterday and once again earlier today and they were kind of close to each other and although neither one spoke to the other or acknowledged each other, they didn't try to kill each other which happens every single time they are around each other. Even fans and security were looking shocked because everyone was looking like they were expecting a fight to come and it didn't. NiNi wasn't with them either time so don't say it's because she was there. Maybe it's beginning to calm down?  Ya think?  Or are they just ignoring each other? Guess we'll see as time goes on. No word on KP she's on tour overseas so she hasn't been involved as much as the other 2. Stay tuned. Click here to see the two bloody enemies in the same place same time and how people look when they notice they're there together. P.S, the first person whose gonna be in NiNis movie has been revealed and that person is: Tay. Yup I said Tay. That's all we know, trying to find out more stay tuned.

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