Wednesday, March 5, 2014

NiNi Is Pregnant!!

Crazy announcement today, a couple months ago, a post came from NiNi's facebook page saying that she was pregnant, but she went live on TV during a press conference and denied it, but this evening the doctor announced something that had everyone shocked and made her conference meeting seem like a cover up. Check out what he said "Hello everyone, we have found out that Miss NiNi is pregnant she is 16 weeks along and obviously things have gotten much more serious as we now have to focus on her babies health as well as her own. This was discovered when one of our nurses did a full body XRAY earlier today and it was determined she is in fact pregnant. It still is too early to tell on the gender and the sonogram pictures are unclear at this point. She will be receiving different medication as most of the medication she has been receiving is very strong and its too strong for a baby, the check of the baby revealed that he or she is fine at the moment but we must switch her medication. Her accident didn't seem to harm the baby in anyway which is very  good news, we do believe that because she landed on her stomach the baby may have suffered a little but at 16 weeks its not much development so if anything when her baby is fully developed he or she may have sustained minor injuries that will affect growth meaning the baby may develop much more slowly than normal, but no long term damage is to be expected. She will be on lower levels of medication as to not hurt the  baby, as far as NiNi herself she is still sleep but she still is recovering, we have her in a private recovery room where she can rest and receive her medication. Being that she is pregnant she has to eat as she has to eat for two people but being that she still isn't able to eat herself  she will require double IV drips in order to support both, and she will be provided that no matter what. Thank you for your cooperation we will provide another update when the time is right! So NiNi is about to have a mini king or queen, and we are excited about it, but its sad that she is in this state when she has a miracle growing inside her, but we feel that being that NiNi was so so persistent that she wasn't pregnant maybe she didn't know and when that happens its called a miracle baby, and that's what this baby is. Congrats to NiNi and Beith and we wish the best of luck to her and her baby! Stay tuned for more info!


johnny1 said...

Congratulations NiNi

johnny1 said...

that's nice good luck with ur new baby nini that's so cute

johnny1 said...

awww I love babies so sweet I hope u have a happy healthy baby

johnny1 said...

guess she wasn't ready for everyone to know at that point that's understandable

johnny1 said...

yeah I just hope her baby comes out healthy all that shock n shit her body went through I hope it didn't hurt the baby that would be so sad if she has another miscarriage

johnny1 said...

yeah I think so

johnny1 said...

no it was just one with her daughter the first time with her son everything went fine

johnny1 said...

what a beautiful thing good luck nini whenever u read this

johnny1 said...

wow so it is true

johnny1 said...

duh didn't he just say that