Monday, December 28, 2015

Did Andre Harris Just Confirm The Rumors??

For so long fans have been wondering if the queen of music and the king of basketball have been a couple. Die hard Beith fans attacked her over Insta last month for cheating on Beith and not once did she respond, but not only that,  she spends tome with him almost everyday and sources say she's cancelling shows and meetings just to go to his games and be around him. We caught up to Mr. Harris and he just mightve admitted he's having an affair with NiNi. A couple of my guys asked him "So you and the queen, you scored pretty big there huh?" He replied I score big all the time it's really no different" Not once did he deny itm NiNi was also contacted and she was unavailable for comment. His statement got the rumors in the chaos stage and it created the hastag #NiNi&Andre and angry Beith fans continue attacking her over Insta and Twitter and NiNi continues to be silent.  Beith was also attempted to be contacted but he hasn't got back. Click here to see Andrés statement

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